2º Bachillerato


Did you know that English is the most widely spoken language in the world?

Approximately 2 billion people speak English around the globe and just around 400,000 are native English speakers.

However, are you aware of how many English varieties are there? Or do you know which is the English variety with the largest number of native speakers?

Congratulations! As a team, you have been selected to participate in this journey throughout English variation. You are part of a linguistic team of four people to explore the English variation field and find answers to some enigmas regarding English varieties.

This will give you the opportunity to explore and examine different English varieties all around the world.


§ Are you aware of how many English varieties are there?

§ Which are there?

§ Which are its main differences?

§ What is the meaning of World Englishes?

§ Do you know which is the English variety with the largest number of native speakers?

§ And which is the less spoken English variety?

§ Which variety of English do you prefer?

§ With which variety of English would you be identified?

The purpose of this webquest is to give response to the different questions the company wants you to answer as part of a group of linguists.

As a team you will have to present a full-detailed article about English varieties covering all the main questions above to the linguistic company in order to be published in its weekly linguistic magazine. You must include pictures and any other representation needed to enrich your final article and a group reflection in the conclusion.

Make it attractive for the loyal readers of the magazine!

As a group, you will have to organize your work, make important decisions. Therefore, each of you will focus on different aspects and assume a specific role. You will have to assign a role from the following chart to each member of the group.


The linguistic company expects from you to elaborate an article about English varieties in order to be published in its well-known magazine English Around the Globe.

Throughout the process of creating the article, you will have to make decisions, share interesting ideas and reflections between the members of your team and work cooperatively as a group of linguistics to show you deserve a place within the company.

As a group of experts, you will have to search relevant information and transform it to elaborate a complete and enriching article.

Use the questions the company provides you at the beginning of the task as a guide to compile your linguistic article about English varieties.


Using the following provided internet links, you will be able to gather as much information as the linguistic company requires.

§ Varieties of English: https://www.britannica.com/topic/English-language/Varieties-of-English

§ Varieties of English world-wide: where we stand: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/38997655.pdf

§ Dynamic English: https://dynamicenglishblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/varieties-of-english-around-the-world/

§ Varieties of English (Linguistic and Sociolinguistics Approaches): https://udc.gal/es/iss/cursos-2020/Varieties-of-English/

§ https://nataliafernandezf-english.blogspot.com

§ World Englishes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Englishes

§ World Englishes: An Introduction: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/english_as_a_second_language/world_englishes/index.html

§ David Crystal – World Englishes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_q9b9YqGRY

§ Varieties of English – Feed the Mind TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPxsJVvi7W4

§ Different varieties of the English language: https://cudoo.com/blog/different-varieties-of-english-language/

§ Main differences: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/English_language_varieties

§ British, American, International: Different Types of English: https://blog.acolad.com/different-types-of-english

§ The Well-rounded English Learner’s Guide to 7 Different Types of English: https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/different-types-of-english/


This evaluation procedure will be taken into account once you as a group submit the task, the magazine article, and finish the webquest.

As this webquest is part of a learning cooperative project, the resulting mark will be global and will have an impact on the whole group.

The final mark will be based on the following rubrica:


Well done! Your research task has been an absolute success!

With this webquest:

You have worked as member of a team thanks to cooperative work

You have learnt to organize your work

You have used TIC resources as learning tools to acquire information about the task topic

You have learnt multiple English varieties and you will have understood the different faces of the language.

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